Вопрос: In the camera of burning there were cracks, it is normal?

Ответ: Small cracks and/or thermal seams in refractory concrete are not defect. Cracking or formation of a grid of thin cracks in refractory concrete is normal process because of a thermal cycle which concrete tests in the course of normal operation. Another matter – very big cracks caused by misuse. They can be formed because of such factors as: too fast cooling (rain or other water gets to installation, when it hot); physical damage (blows); extremely high temperatures; uncontrollable process of burning of waste with high fat content. The guarantee, as a rule, does not extend to these situations.

Вопрос: Leasing of the equipment

Ответ: It is possible to buy our equipment in leasing. At the same time the client pays at a time only a part of cost of the equipment then he can at once begin to use it. The advance payment makes 10-30% of equipment cost. The contract for a period of up to 7 years. Term of consideration of the application of 7 days. Payments of leasing payments are carried out not so much from the means which are available for the company, how many from the means received from commissioning of the new equipment. The accelerated depreciation with coefficient to the 3rd will allow to soften quicker the equipment for period of validity of the leasing contract that allows the client to save on the property tax significantly. LLC Insiprom we cooperate with all leasing companies. We recommend to address to the Siemens Finance Leasing company. This company allows a discount for our clients of 5% since as a part of incinerators of LLC Insiprom there are completing firms of LLC Siemens.

Вопрос: Control system of INSI incinerators


Control of all processes happening in INSI incinerators at operation is provided by incinerator control system. 
Control boards are delivered by INSI incinerators in different versions, depending on needs of the customer and also equipment service conditions. But, irrespective of version, INSI control boards are manufactured so that to simplify operating procedure with the equipment. Thus, automatic equipment steers all processes happening during burning of waste. 
Control boards can be installed by INSI incinerators in coordination with the customer:
• On the case of the incinerator;
• On wall of the room or near electric board;
• On the platform mobile the incinerator;
• In cabin of the truck on which chassis the mobile incinerator is installed.

Advantages of INSIPROM panels
1. Convenience and simplicity in management.
2. Overall dimensions of 265х310х120 mm.
3. An output on жк the display of the working torches.
4. Output to the incinerator operating time display.
5. Possibility of installation of the mode of drying by the operator.
6. An opportunity to set incinerator operating time
7. Error output on жк. The display with a sound signal of the notification on each attached device separately.
8. Possibility of remote access, debugging, adjustment and diagnostics far off (customer service).
9. A possibility of control (fixing) of number of exceeding of temperatures in cameras.
10. Possibility of control of level of fuel.
11. A possibility of time supervision of the incinerator in work. (What is the time the incinerator works).
12. Possibility of connection of additional air supply.
13. Possibility of connection of the PC.
14. A possibility of installation of the sensor of control of a carbon dioxide gas at the exit.
15. A possibility of translation from an operation mode into a pause and a full stop (stop).

Вопрос: Lining from concrete or from a brick?


The monolithic futerovochny layer from fire-resistant concrete has a number of advantages in comparison with the futerovochny layer executed from a shamotny brick or any other material. Let's consider pluses and minuses of lining from monolithic concrete and a brick.

Construction shortcomings from monolithic fire-resistant concrete:
- The only shortcoming monolithic the futerovochnykh of layers is higher price in comparison with the linings made of other materials. 

Advantages of construction from monolithic fire-resistant concrete:
- Concrete fastens to walls of a metal construction of the incinerator and is kept by special fire-resistant anchors;
- The additional insulation layer between a metal construction and fire-resistant concrete saves warmly in construction, but not "warms the street" at the expense of what the consumption of the used fuel is reduced. It also increases the term of operation of a metal construction; 
- Service life of monolithic concrete fire-resistant lining many times is more than analogs from a brick, than its cost comes true. At operation of the equipment with brick lining there is a big risk of constant idle times on repair and service;
- Ease of repair of lining. There is no need to change construction completely, it is possible to eliminate breakdown locally.

On numerous responses of our customers, lining from a brick works from 3 months to 1 year a maximum! Often it depends on specifics of waste of waste which will be burned. The longest term of work of such futerovochny layer - when burning biological waste. 
In a case with medical and municipal solid waste in the camera of burning extremely aggressive environment which has more negative effect on a futerovochny layer from a brick is created. A considerable part of our partners initially bought the equipment from competitors with brick lining. Naturally the criterion for decision-making is a low price. But, having worked about a year, clients address to our company for acquisition of the better equipment again.
From the moment of creation of our company (21.02.2013) and implementation of quite large number of incinerators, we did not receive any request for replacement of lining of the camera of burning of the incinerator of our production!

In addition to the aforesaid, we make incinerators under the specific customer. All models are individual and aimed at a specific objective that does not prevent them to be universal for utilization of different types of waste! We also enter additional modifications for recycling with the increased content of plastic and we complete with the system of the improved reburning of off gases.

The Insiprom company has the positive conclusion of the State Environmental Assessment of Federal level on all model range of incinerators!!!

Вопрос: How to pick up the necessary model of the incinerator?


Our company presents to the client a wide model range of installations. How not to get confused and choose the most suitable option? 

All models of incinerators of our production have differences that allows to select the equipment, considering a set of factors, such as productivity, volume of loading, construction feature, dimensions and other. The model range includes installations with a capacity of loading from 150 to 24,000 kg and the speed of burning from 50 to 3,000 kg an hour. Relying only on these parameters, it is already possible to draw initial conclusions on expediency of acquisition of this or that model.

The choice of the incinerator is influenced by not only indicators of productivity, but also such at first sight minor points as features of a geographical location of objects, climatic and weather conditions, the schedule of work of the enterprise, etc. For ensuring the greatest convenience at operation by the Insiprom company the possibility of a complete set of installations is provided by the additional equipment (mobile versions of incinerators, installation of automatic tippers and gas purifiers, introduction of heat-exchanging complexes and many other things).

However you should not forget that the different types of waste assumed to neutralization differ in the density, humidity, caloric content and consistence that cannot but affect properties of burning. For this reason we strongly recommend to make the decision only after consultation of our expert. 
Managers of the Insiprom company, possessing data on your requirements and making use of the experience, will help you to define what of installations as much as possible will be suitable for needs of your enterprise.

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